Once I started looking for crosses, I saw them all around.  Sure, I went to the usual places – inside and outside of churches.  It is an experience to visit a church during the week and be the only person in the sanctuary – peace, stillness, and beauty.

One time a pipe organist was practicing and it felt like my own little symphony…just me in a pew, the lone guest.  An exploration during my pursuit of taking photos of crosses, part of my spiritual journey last year, and I discovered more than just pictures.

I found the cross in places where I hadn’t noticed before, like this photo from my walking route. I know they have been there all along, but I wasn’t looking. Like so many things in life, I didn’t see.  I was too busy wasting time in other pursuits that didn’t serve the best of me. I was lost. But as the song says, “now I am found.” Seek and Ye Shall Find. Yes.

Where do you find the cross in your walk?

Keep the Cross Alive.

Live. Breathe. Alive. blog- Here I write about lessons I am learning about life, love, and my spiritual journey to help others. Using the voice I have.