And Then What?

What are you going to do once you’ve gotten to where you think you should be? My mind says practical things like you should make more to save. Will I have enough? Then my inner voice reminds me of my real job and that lets me be secure in how I spend my time....

Reach Out To Me

Don’t you know I’m always here. In big and small ways, I’m watching out for you. I’m always close even when events take you away — when you let other priorities get in the way from My love. Reach out to Me.  Stretch out your arms & embrace My love.  Let...

And the Clouds Say

And the clouds say… “I’m opening a way.” I’ve passed this church for many years but never stopped to take a photo. It wasn’t the right timing. The sky wasn’t there. A cloudy day, just a blue sky — no, it’s not there yet. Patience and timing. A simple analogy really....