Last August I went on my first prayer walk. It was with the Linwood YMCA, located on Kansas City’s east side, where I serve on their community board. The purpose was to pray for the start of the school children during all the community violence.

And I meet Gem, a 9 year-old girl who happens to be African American. I know her mother who works at the Y and the morning of the walk I meet Gem. I spent some time talking with her about her name and the different types of gems.

Starting the walk, a minister led our small group in prayer and reviewed the plan. I noticed Gem standing about 3 feet behind and to the left of me. I opened my left arm in an outreach manner and she came to me. In fact, she came right up to me- hip to hip touching. A simple gesture. While we were listening, I put my hand on her back and rubbed. After the organizing talking points, she looked up at me and said “And my back was itchy, that felt good.” As we started she reached for my hand and for the whole one mile walk we held hands. She is a Gem.

The power of Love and the simple acts of kindness. Reminds me that we all need openings of kindness. And that I can do more.

Let us open ourselves to others.  Let us come together. To me this photo represents Black and White coming together to compliment, support, and uplift the other, each needing the other for balance. As we should be in community – together.

Live. Breathe. Alive. blog- Here I write about lessons I am learning about life, love, and my spiritual journey to help others. Using the voice I have.