It’s been over a month since I posted here. Call it a pause, a shuffle or a movement of being “unmoved” in my writing. Or, just maybe, I’m working on something that needs a different focus. I’m working on my Heaven To-Do List.
Are you familiar with it? “Heaven To-Do List”. Do you know what’s on yours?
I first heard of this term from kind of an unlikley source, David Goggins. It’s just that he doesn’t talk about faith, and he cusses a lot. BUT…I like his message of becoming and “Staying Hard” in your mental state. He motivates people to push past their 40%.
Hearing Goggins in an interview and reading in his book ‘Can’t Hurt Me’, he shares about not wanting to get to heaven and have God look at him with disappointment. He believes there will be a judgement for our time on earth and envisions a list of accomplishments he’s suppose to do. Things he should or could do and doesn’t want to miss out because he was too lazy and just stayed on the couch.
The couch of life. The comforts of day-to-day normalcy.
So, I’m working on what I … Me … AMY knows is on MY Heaven To-Do list. No one else knows it. But I do. Some may not get it. And that’s ok. We all get to live our walk. I’m choosing a walk of faith.

To get this To-Do item completed, my brain has switched to “Unpause.” Maybe this includes not being in my creative writing space. It’s time to get this done. And it’s a great feeling! Last year when I thought it was time for me to take action, I heard “Pause.” I didn’t understand it, but I listened. And now I hear “Take the next step.”
It takes consistent steps of faith at any stage in the process. To hear it. And to do it, over and over again. You develop “Stay Hard” faith! You believe when no one else does. It’s on YOUR Heaven To-Do board! It requires YOU to take steps to get there.
I’m working on my Heaven To-Do list.