“Well, faith is something you put everything into.” said my sweet Jean last April, 3 months before passing. Thinking about her statement made me ask myself “Amy, what are you putting everything into?”  A few thoughts.

Writing. I started sharing my voice in a more formal way in January of 2017 by introducing “Live. Breathe. Alive.” blog.  As this has evolved, I asked myself how often should I post? It started with monthly. Me: “Yes, I can commit to that.” Then I moved to every 2 weeks and added my spiritual journey. And then last month I moved to weekly. Weekly? Yikes. Me: “Amy, Can I keep that up? What if I don’t have something to write? Every single week?” And I stopped myself right there and my inner voice said with resolve ”Yes…I…Can.” I have faith. I believe. If I am suppose to write, the words will come. Doubt is the devil. He is sneaky that way. And what I learned here: Faith is liberating.

So, I am following my Jean and putting everything into Faith.  Even George Michael’s sang about it- “You gotta have, faith, faith, faith.”

“This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. Don’t let Satan blow it out, no, I’m gonna let it shine.” This favorite childhood song of mine is what I am going to sing about. What am I putting everything into? Faith.  How do you show your faith?

Live. Breathe. Alive. blog- Here I write about life, love, and what I am learning to help others. Using the voice I have.