Doubt is the Devil. Remember this as you start to LIVE your inspiration.

You have to arm your mind with a shield. Because make no mistake, it is war. That little negative voice – it just takes a few seconds of doubt to hold onto you. The Devil wants it to linger. He wants you to stay the same.

But we have a superpower strength backing us. It’s not Wonder Woman or Thor. It’s called Faith. Invisible like Flash’s speed, stronger than the Hulk and Superman, God is powerful. Follow Faith. Trust Faith.

When this little bit of doubt tries to creep in, lean further INTO faith. Refocus on the good. Pray. Take walks in nature. Mediate on good words. Celebrate your successes. Sing songs that lift you. I AM “Climbing Higher Mountains,” like Aretha Franklin. I AM “Weak made Strong…Cornerstone” from Hillsong.

Set your focus on things above.

Tell yourself: I will LIVE my inspiration. BREATHE in Faith. Be ALIVE in Faith. Blog: Pursuit of the Cross series: Designed to encourage others to seek and see the cross in everyday life.