The seasons of planting and harvest – life on the farm knows this sowing cycle better than all. It takes patience, perseverance and faithful prayer.

After planting the time is preparation. In the wait of the harvest, the action is in the Doing. The time for tilling, preparing, weeding, readying, watering- not just plants, but in our lives. When it’s a time of transition in season or a delay in the harvest, waiting is not passive. It’s in the action of preparation that we bring out the fruits for a bountiful harvest. It takes seeds of Faith. On the farm you don’t get any short-cuts…you Do.

Borrowing a term from a motivational speaker, I have been grinding. Grinding. You know…all the little things that have to be done in order to keep moving forward in your goal, project, purpose. It’s not the glory in these small tasks. I can visualize the grinding of wheat – taking a kernel and with a mortar and pestle going smaller.

With more time and attention, the refining, the glossing that the work process transforms into finishing touches to bring out the shine. The fruits; the harvest. Harvest Faith.

Here is to a beautiful season of Harvest!

Live. Breathe. Alive. blog- Here I write about life, love, my spiritual journey and what I am learning to help others. Using the voice I have.