Our Faith Lens

I’ve been called Aim, Ames, Aimsie, Aimer, Amy Sue (yes, my middle name), and four-eyes when I was younger (got glasses in 3rd grade), and I know the words to the great song ‘Aimee’ by Pure Prairie League. This younger photo is from the 5th grade, with the then “new”...

Beginning Faith

Where you start is called the beginning because that little mustard seed of faith grows. It weaves, meanders, stumbles, dances, and transforms all along the doing. Stepping out is an aspect of faith I’ve learned. For me, I started with an idea to help a little girl in...


Last year my word was Follow. But I didn’t. Follow Faith. In many ways I did, but sin is sneaky and can overshadow the best attempts. I listened to words instead of The Word. This year my word is Evolve…it came instantly as I thought about the seasons in life...

You Know What’s Pretty Cool?

You know what’s pretty cool? People send me photos of crosses and say they thought of me. Me. Me. I can’t think of a better compliment. Thinking of me, but seeing Him. From a little girl (me left, sister right) who liked to make mud pies, played tennis in high school...

Cross Lines

Being wired to the world, instead of wound around the word. The lines in art. Vertical and horizontal from the electric pole shadow casts a showing of faith.  It speaks to me – “YOU are Rising Up,” making a bold statement: “I am Here. I am surrounding...