Last year my word was Follow. But I didn’t.
Follow Faith. In many ways I did, but sin is sneaky and can overshadow the best attempts. I listened to words instead of The Word.
This year my word is Evolve…it came instantly as I thought about the seasons in life and the standards I have established for myself…as a woman of great faith. It’s not always easy following what you know and believe. Oh and there are sooooo many grays to be found in the spectrum of practicality.
I’ve found it takes real hard core strength, like muscles, to LIVE your faith. It’s easy to say you are faithful. Or to say you practice the good book principles. But what actions do you take to live faith? Are you just a fan or a follower?
And that’s the great thing about faith….grace. You gotta turn to it for strength. So my “Follow” transformed into “Evolve” this year and I took the step FOR faith.

I Evolve.
Evolve Definition: Develop gradually, from a simple to a more complex form. syn: develop, advance, mature, grow, expand, transform, adapt.