When I first started posting cross photos on Instagram this past fall, I thought I would do so once or twice per week. That seemed doable. Yes. And then, somehow, it naturally turned into five times/week. Along the way I wondered if I had enough photos of crosses – the formed and unformed. What if I run out? Do I have enough to keep this up?

Doubt is the Devil – constantly lurking. I consciously made the mindshift to believe in abundance. Just like that. There is not a scarcity. Yes, I have plenty of crosses. I believe I will see and find more. It’s having faith in the abundance.

Once I made this shift, something cool started happening. As I posted “everyday” crosses – those formed in the unformed, people started sending me photos of crosses! People I knew, and didn’t know, told me they found an everyday cross and thought of me. So cool! People also forwarded me beautiful formed crosses. It started with being tagged in an Instagram post from someone who hadn’t “Liked” my photos. I first thought it was a mistake. How does this person know @livebreathalive? It was intentional. The image was an “everyday” cross of a windmill.  A new one I never thought of. Oh, the power of community. The power of Abundance.

That is the cool thing about images.  They are seen, even if for an instant. I keep posting photos of crosses because I hope it reaches people on some level. Even if a person doesn’t believe in God, people have Faith in something, right?

And maybe, just maybe, the images can help connect to a higher power, to inspire faith. 

When I made this mindshift I saw even more everyday crosses. People send me photos of crosses and I also see unformed crosses in photos not intentionally for the cross. God gives in abundance. This week I read John 6:13 that tied into this idea on abundance. It is a lesson in leftovers with multiplying food from little. My bible study footnotes stated “He takes whatever we can offer him in time, ability, or resources and multiples it’s effectiveness beyond our wildest expectations.” We take a first step and he brings more. Yes. May we have Faith in Abundance.

BREATHE in Faith!

livebreathealive.chisikstudio.com – Designed to encourage others to seek and see the cross in everyday life.