by Amy Bretall | Jun 30, 2018 | Blog, Crosses, Faith, Inspired, Life, Love
I pause to take in this photo with my sister (right, age 3) and I (left, age 2). What captured my attention is the look on our faces. The emotion – the joy, the smiles, the bouncing hair from dancing. This is Alive. What does it take for us as we age to feel...
by Amy Bretall | Jun 17, 2018 | Blog, Faith, Life, Love
“Rest brings restoration.”- words given to me by my Father. Have you ever received a few words that bring an immediate change in perspective? These did for me. In the summer of 2007, after a cycling accident brought many weeks of forced downtime from my...
by Amy Bretall | Jun 2, 2018 | Blog, Crosses, Faith, Inspired, Life, Love
What starts small can grow, filling you up completely and renewing life, giving a new direction. I know this. It happened to me. Of course, at the time I started, I didn’t know this, but just listened to an inner calling. Taking a step brought a complete change of...
by Amy Bretall | May 20, 2018 | Blog, Crosses, Faith, Inspired
Shouldn’t we all? Hold on, hang on, hug on, hope on…the cross. An all-in love. What a visual depiction…a little girl clinging to the cross. I took this photo two years ago. This little photo sat waiting, expectantly, for the right time. It didn’t call to me to...
by Amy Bretall | May 6, 2018 | Blog, Crosses, Faith, Inspired
When I first started posting cross photos on Instagram this past fall, I thought I would do so once or twice per week. That seemed doable. Yes. And then, somehow, it naturally turned into five times/week. Along the way I wondered if I had enough photos of crosses...